The Lib

The Lib presents the PHP libraries distributed by 12939 Media Architecture.


callee is an experimental PHP class that formats the debug_backtrace() in a much more coherent way, and even fixes a few irregularities. Use with care.


A WikiCreole standalone markup filter. This filter has been encapsulated from Diesel-Wiki Creole filter in order to provide the Free Software community with handy WikiCreole to HTML standalone facilities. Doing so also forced some clean-up and redesign of the original code.


This is our PHP implementation of a diff function. Used by Diesel-Wiki.


This library gathers HTML-related definitions and utilities. For now only provides basic but powerful CSS selection PHP functions.


This library gathers HTTP-related definitions and utilities. Provides a handful of PHP functions to manipulate and generate HTTP headers, serve files, create HTTP sockets, do HTTP requests (with actual cache control), and swiftly implement a response caching system.


A few functions related to handling SHOUTcast and Icecast2 MP3 streams and metadata.


MIME standard-related functions. Basically provides basic functions to guess MIME-types based on file extensions and content-sniffing.


Procedural library for relational algebra. A PHP-array relational database library. Handy for handling small sets of relational data or building DB models with very limited amount of data. Nomenclature is based on Edgar Frank Codd's relational database theory (differing slightly from the modern SQL nomenclature).


Provides basic functions for fetching and handling external OpenGraph metadata.


Unicode-related functions for PHP4+. lib-uc.php is targetted at providing replacement that work in any PHP4+ environment to PHP string functions for handling UTF-8, as well as more advanced Unicode capabilities.


PHP network tools library.


phptools.php is a place for tweaks and experimental functions. Use at your very own risk. The stable functions are progressively externalized to specialized libraries.


A standalone simple quickie wiki implementation. Allows easily making the content of a page user-editable, without depending on any specific infrastructure.


XARG eXtended Arguments is (pure) (and inverted) suGaR (just made it up).

  • You just can't remember the order of these function parameters?
  • You'd like to pass function arguments in random order?
  • You always wanted to allow optional passed-by-reference parameters? All this and even more made possible with XARG!

Note: XARG is (pure) sweet sugar, but as is inverted sugar, if can become quite sticky. As sweet as it is, it remains a hack, so please rely on it sparingly. It is more a proof-of-concept than an actually usable library.


xmeta is the cornerstone of the Diesel framework. It is an object model and abstract layer. Each object in the model is a node, having metadata, data and child nodes, with a handful of methods to handle these.


ZaraMeta is a middleware allowing routing metadata from ZaraRadio to audio streams servers, enabling listeners to be informed in real time about the song currently aired.

Written in PHP and distributed under GPL license, ZaraMeta executes in Windows command line.

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